
Companies are a great help to Dynamo Camp. They have demonstrated it in the last few years; so many companies have decided to support Dynamo Camp since its opening. With their contribution, they have made it possible to increase the number of children hosted and the quality of our Recreational Therapy activities.

In accordance with principles of CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility – or in the simple spirit of “giving a part of their profit back to the community”, companies have shown sensitivity to the Dynamo Camp programmes and its special community of families, volunteers, doctors and nurses.

Doing good does good: it creates enthusiasm inside and outside your company!

If you are a company, you can


Or contribute financially to supporting the holidays of sick children, specific projects or the Recreational Therapy activities.


Or make the services which your company specialises in available to Dynamo Camp.


Spread the mission of Dynamo Camp to your employees, creating company volunteer opportunities and encouraging fund collection initiatives inside the company.


When there are sporting campaigns or events, you can choose the Christmas campaign, replacing company gifts with a donation, dedicate company events to supporting Dynamo Camp and encourage the creation of company teams for the Dynamo Team Challenge.


As a company you can spread the opportunity to donate 5 per thousand amongst your employees.


You can use the Dynamo Camp structures as an alternative venue for company meetings, conventions, training seminars, team buildings, company dinners, excursions into the Oasis and much more via Dynamo Academy.


The biggest help you can give as a company to Dynamo Camp is in any case a stable commitment that lasts over time. This is why we propose you become a Corporate Partner with an agreement that is developed on a three-yearly basis in 4 subject areas that Dynamo Camp considers strategic and intrinsically linked to the Camp activities.

Financial support
  • Donations in cash
  • Use of the structures
Human resources
  • volunteering
  • Sharing of skills and services

For further information, please contact:
Elena Bertolina ( 02 80629.26 – Companies / Corporate Partnership
Nunzia Sciavarrello ( 02 80629.41 – Companies / Donation of materials and services
Agnese Bearesi ( 0573 621721 – Use of the structures / Dynamo Academy


Donazione materiali o servizi per Dynamo

Donate materials or services

The Camp hosts more than 2,000 people every year, including children with serious and chronic pathologies, whole families, volunteers and staff. To support us, you can choose to donate the products of your business, helping us to reduce purchases and contain costs.

Teatro e scuola di circo a Dynamo Camp

Theatre and circus school

The theatre and circus school activities are expressive activities that allow cultural and physical barriers to be overcome, permitting the children to discover their own abilities. They can become actors, singers, dancers, directors or set designers, clowns, mimes or jugglers for a day depending on their preferences. We need costumes, masks and set designs to make the activities always new and stimulating.

Laboratori ricreativi a Dynamo Camp

Recreational workshops

Workshops with established contemporary artists – Dynamo Art Factory – music, radio recordings – Radio Dynamo – photography and video – Dynamo Studios. Ink, brushes, curtains, recorders, CDs and telecameras. The wish list is very varied, precisely because we want to leave space for creativity!

Giochi e sport a Dynamo Camp

Sport and play

The sport and play activities at the Camp are structures on the principles of Recreational Therapy providing a traditional summer camp which is adapted so that it is accessible to all the participants: horse riding, archery, climbing, swimming pool activities, trips into the Oasis and games in the chalet. From life jackets to arrows, from boots to snap-hooks, we need equipment for over 400 children every summer.

Il centro medico a Dynamo Camp

Medical Centre

A specialist medical staff follows the small guests 24 hours a day at Dynamo Camp. There is always a need for plasters, gauze, syringes and cotton at the Medical Centre as well as specific equipment such as wheelchairs and trolleys for the medication.

Casa e cucina Dynamo

House and cooking

Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner: we are looking for fresh and long-life products for the Dynamo Camp dining hall. These should normally serve about 1000 children every year. All types of household products are needed to keep the structures clean, welcoming and efficient: detergents, pillows, lamps and much more.

You are donating to : Fondazione Dynamo Camp Onlus

How much would you like to donate?
$20 $50 $100
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